Donate and Support inDorset

Support inDorset

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Donate and Support inDorset

Our survival and sustainability depends upon financial support.
We are reaching out to all of our readers.

Please support us.

inDorset has grown to a point where the site requires full time facilitation. We do not have offices, we work from home and keep our overheads to a minimum, but we have to financially support ourselves. This is where you come in. If everyone could give a regular or a one off contribution, we can all help this site become a long term independent resource helping support and promote Dorset events and businesses (big and small) ~ including those voices who are either ignored or marginalised.

Donate and Support inDorset

How about a monthly coffee to keep us going via Ko-Fi?
View our Ko-Fi page.


Thank you so much. Without you, we are nothing.
inDorset Team

Get in Contact:
07932 014218