The Crick Crack Club at Cranborne Earthouse | Maui Trickster
There is a hill in Dorset that has a door. Inside is a fire-lit theatre. This is Cranborne Earthouse – one of England’s most magical, secret venues. Seating up to 250 people and lit by oil lamp and firelight, this is a place where audiences gather – under an earth roof, held up by 21 huge oak tree trunks – to listen to stories and music.
Every month, world-class storytellers, The Crick Crack Club, bring legendary live performance storytelling to the Earthouse.
Maui Trickster – performance storytelling by Mikael Öberg
Step into a world where creation is still in motion—where the Sun Beast scorches the skies, Grandmother Fire blazes, and fish are the size of islands. Where secrets lurk in the underworld, and Great Woman Night watches over it all.
At the centre of this vibrant and unfinished cosmos stands dark eyed Maui. A master of creative disruption. A quick-witted mover and shaker. A shape-shifting, boundary-breaker. Wielding a magical jawbone and an insatiable curiosity, this ancient trickster relentlessly reshapes reality, answering every “why?” with an audacious “why not?”.
The chaotic exploits of this demigod of the southern hemisphere have haunted Mikael Öberg’s imagination for two decades and the result is comedic, unfiltered myth fuelled by irrepressible energy and accompanying sonic electrickery.
SUITABLE FOR: adults 16+
RUNNING TIME: 70 mins (TBC – after all, it’s Maui, so who knows what might happen!)
STARTS: 7.30pm
CONTENT WARNING: This performance contains descriptions of violence, sex, stillbirth, genitals, and vagina dentata, contextualised within a paradigm of mythic narrative, archetype and metaphor.
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Date: Sat, 17th May 2025
Time: 7:30pm - 8:45pm
Location: The Earthouse, Ancient Technology Centre
Phone: 07791 157 437
Booking Required: Yes
Price: ££13
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The Earthouse, Ancient Technology Centre (View more Events at this Location)Damerham Road, Cranborne, England, BH21 5RP United Kingdom