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Add Your Dorset Events

Hosting a Dorset Event?
Promote it for FREE on inDorset

Home > Dorset Events > Add Your Dorset Events

Using the form below, please supply as many details as possible.

All events require a Title, Description, Start / End Date and Time, a Location (or link for online) and an Image.

If you are running an Event in Dorset (online or public) and would like to Promote it on inDorset,  please use the form below — please note, all event submissions will be reviewed before being published.

If you would like to manage and edit your own events after submission, please consider Registering or Login.

Images should ideally be in a letterbox format (1280 x 720 pixels would be great), but any shape/size will do, as we can always make adjustments for you. The letterbox shape is ideal for sharing on social media.

Your Details

The event name. Example: Birthday party


This is a recurring event.


For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.

This event repeats every day days week on weeks on month on the months on the year years of each month
Event Times to


Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.


Details about the event. HTML allowed.

Event Image

If you have any questions or need help submitting your event(s), please Contact our Events Team who will be happy to assist you.